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Akagera Lions

Lion Roar Again in Akagera

Lion Roar Again in Akagera

Akagera Lions

Dear all,

I hope you have now heard the exciting news on the arrival of our lions this week. If not, there are some links below to media articles who have picked up the story, the news has been spreading far and wide, including The Guardian UK, Daily Mail UK, ABC Australia, Al Jazeera, France24 etc… It great to see so much interest in this good news story!

We have been given some photos of the lions coming to Akagera ahead of move, we have shared these with RDB who have put them on their Flickr account https://www.flickr.com/photos/rdbrwanda/ from which you can download them. I ask that you properly credit the photographer in any use of these images. We will have footage and photos of the translocation available soon too. Please keep an eye on our social media sites for information and updates and we encourage you to like and share to spread the word. Twitter has a flush with the story, including The Guardian tweeting it to their 3.8 million followers! Please help us to keep spreading the word. Rwandair kindly donated 2 return flights to South Africa we have asked two journalists from Rwanda to go and cover the story from beginning to end. Follow @TravelRwanda @AkageraPark and @RDBRwanda for current updates, and our Facebook page, Friends of Akagera National Park.

Thank you all for your interest and patience in following this conservation milestone in Akagera, and Rwanda. We look forward to seeing you at the park in the near future.

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